Drama and Literary Arts
Drama and Literary Arts
To enhance the Applied Learning Programme (ALP), OLGC Drama CCA was started to give students a platform for acting. Having good communication and inventive thinking skills are important 21st century competencies. Thus, at OLGC, we aim to develop these skills in our students during their training sessions.
During the CCA sessions, students get to work with peers across levels to strengthen their acting and communication skills so that they can perform confidently in public.
By attending the CCA, students would be able to learn and apply Drama techniques. By incorporating the school’s values, we hope to nurture students who can think creatively and reason critically to become effective and confident speakers.
During the CCA sessions, students learn and apply Drama techniques such as vocal dynamics, appropriate body language, voice projection, use and awareness of space and improvisation.
From the sessions, students would build self-esteem and increase their ability to adapt and improvise. Working together with members from the various grade levels would also enable students to learn leadership skills, build social awareness and realise the importance of teamwork.
Activities & Events
Nativity Play (2022)